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Missionaries in Romania

John & Viorica

Christ’s Commission for Romania, a non-profit mission organization working in Romania to spread the Gospel and serve the needs of the desperately needy people and the many orphans living there, is directed by John & Viorica Dolinschi. The Dolinschi’s are based out of Timisoari, Romania; they run eight churches based on helping the impoverished in Timisoari. They also started the Life Youth Center, which takes in orphans at the age of 18 and trains them in life and job skills.


Ray & Misty MacDonald

The MacDonald’s ministry is based primarily in Thailand, where they’ve been able to set up new churches, mentor, and train pastors, and show the love of Christ to countless orphans. Ray & Misty are also the Directors of Logos Communications International.




Binu John & Family

Started in 2012, Care India Mission continues to march forward in its relentless pursuit to create a positive impact in the lives of individuals. We achieve our mission through Church planting, training of Pastors, empowering women and kids. Appreciate your prayers.



Dr. Daniel & Joy Evans

Dr. Evans has spent his entire life in ministry in India. He has started over 250 ministries (churches and orphanages) throughout the Southeastern region of India. Bible Believer’s Association of India, Dr. Evans’ ministry, is based in Visakhapatnam, India.  BBA hosts a Bible College, Printing Workshop, and ministers to thousands each week. BBA also sponsors several Leper Colonies.



Missionaries in Honduras

Rosemary Nelson &
Barbara Marang  

Barbara and Rosemary have been serving in Honduras for over 20 years. On an average week, they will serve about 4,000 Honduran people (mainly women and children). They are educators and ministers at Abundant Life Christian School in Choluteca, Honduras. After work, they conduct street ministry, numerous Bible studies, ministry to widows and orphans, and mentor other ministers in the local community. 


Protected Area

Ryan and Melissa

Ryan and Melissa have been serving in a protected area since 2012, seeking to engage the unengaged through education and relationship building.


Mercy Multiplied

Founded by Nancy Alcorn


Mercy Multiplied is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to helping young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, including eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, unplanned pregnancy, depression, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking.  We hope to help every woman we serve experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.

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