About Our Church

We do not have an "official" ending time for our services. We believe that when we invite the Spirit of God to move in our services, we must make room for Him to do so. We are prepared to have our "agenda" bumped to move in a direction the Spirit of God is leading for any particular service.

Grounded in the Word
We believe that the Word of God is the final authority for our personal lives and the corporate meeting place. We always allow the Word of God to be the "lamp to our feet" and the "light to our path." We believe that God would never move contrary to His written Word.

We seek to make Jesus, our Risen Savior, the focus of all our worship and adoration.
We believe that all we do is for Him and by Him, and He should be exalted above all things!
Christ Community Fellowship exists to make an impact for the Kingdom of God, locally and globally. We are His light! We are here to build His Kingdom and not our own. Whatever we do is done to bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
The resources that we have to invest are our:
We offer God our time, counting it as His since “we have been bought with a price and are not our own.”
We believe that every member has a gift or gifts to be used in service to the building up of the church.
All things come from God, and we joyfully use the resource of money to expand the Kingdom of God.

The Purpose of The Church
Jesus Christ is the center of our attention and devotion. We exalt Him at the highest place as God has declared Him to be. This is done daily through our individual lives and corporately when we assemble together.
Training leaders through Bible study, mentoring, accountability and ministry opportunities.
Reaching and leading people to Jesus through relational evangelism and through outreach opportunities. Foremost by being a witness and letting our actions speak louder than words.
We believe in a unified body of believers that are one in heart and mind. A unity that crosses all ethnicities, cultures, and social and economic statuses. The church body is one of mutual encouragement locally.
We promote “every member is a minister” in the local body. Each has a gift given to them by God to serve the body of Christ and the lost world.